Whatsapp Emoticons And Meanings
This emoji faces is popular and will be in top of the emoji faces list used by Facebook and Whatsapp users. The real meaning of this emoji is to show laughter, but not licking. These emoji face symbols are used to show some naughtiness of the user. Emojis and their meaning. The following emoji categories are sorted by group. You'll find all current WhatsApp and Facebook smileys as well as a description of their meaning. You can use the various emojis on any Apple, Android, and Windows device. Have fun with diving into the colorful world of emojis!
WhatsApp is the world’s most popular mobile chat app. It has revolutionized the way the word communicates. WhatsApp has made it very easy to transfer text messages, photos, videos and audio files from one mobile phone to another. Now it is even possible to use WhatsApp on computer. People all over the world are using WhatsApp in a large number of languages. But the language of those smiley faces is all the same world over.
As the saying goes, a picture says a thousand words. Therefore, since long, emoticons have been an essential part of any good chat application. WhatsApp and other emoji apps provide a large set of emoticons to convey feelings and several other thoughts which would otherwise need several words to express. But many of these WhatsApp symbols are confusing. Most people don’t know the meaning of many WhatsApp icons or symbols. While there are some standards ones (like smile, sad, laugh, cry etc.); many other symbols seem to have no apparent meaning.
A reader of my blog asked me through email the meaning of certain WhatsApp symbols. That’s how I thought of researching and writing this article.
What are WhatsApp Symbols, Icons, Emoticons, Emoji?
Emoticons are actually a combination of text characters. When put together, they convey a certain emotion. For example, :-) is a combination that conveys smile. Emoticons were invented by general users of the chat applications.
SEE ALSO:Learn cool WhatsApp Tricks
Later small picture icons came in trend. Web applications (like Facebook chat) began to use such pictorial expressions. Facebook also launched FB Stickers Store to supply even more such icons. These pictorial symbols are called Emoji (it is a Japanese language word that means Picture Letters). Emoji were first invented in Japan and WhatsApp icon-set has several icons that have a special meaning in the Japanese culture.
The symbols or icons that you send to your friend on WhatsApp are actually called Emojis!
WhatsApp Sun Sign Symbols (Zodiac Symbols)
WhatsApp has the regular 12 sun sign symbols (zodiac symbols). The symbols are painted white in color on square buttons with purple background. The sun sign symbols are:
1. Aries, 2. Taurus, 3. Gemini, 4. Cancer, 5. Leo, 6. Virgo, 7. Libra, 8. Scorpio, 9. Sagittarius, 10. Capricorn, 11. Aquarius, 12. Pisces
These symbols are used to show one’s sun sign of birth.
Meaning of Ophiuchus Symbol
In WhatsApp, the Ophiuchus symbol is available right after the regular zodiac signs. Ophiuchus is considered the 13th Zodiac sign and it represents the Ophiuchus constellation.
Meaning of Six Pointed Star With Middle Dot
This symbol appears right after the Ophiuchus symbol. This six pointed star with a dot in the center is called the Star of David. It is a a sacred symbol in Judaism. In Hebrew, this symbol is called the Magen David (meaning “Shield of David”).
Meanings of WhatsApp Symbols and Icons
Now, let’s learn the meanings of some of the very intriguing WhatsApp symbols. You’ll find that you may be using these symbols to convey something else than their originally intended use!
Meaning of Eyes Covering Monkey
A lot of people often use this emoji to convey “embarrassment” or and “oops! moment”. But in reality this money emoji with eyes covered by his hands is actually connects to the proverb “See no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil”. This emoji represents the “see no evil” part. To complete the set, there are two more money emojis available.
Meaning of Two Open Palms / Hands
This emoji was created to convey “openness” or acceptability. So, you can use it as a symbol for hugging someone. However, all over the world, people use it with their own innumerable interpretations. So, tell us, please!, how have you been using this openness emoji?!
1. Meaning of “WC” WhatsApp Emoji
“WC” stands for Water Closet. This is the standard symbol for toilet in several parts of the world including Europe. So, if you want to rush to the toilet in the middle of a WhatsApp chat, you may send this WC symbol!
2. Meaning of Man Bowing Symbol
In Japan, bowing is a way for showing respect. Mostly, this emoji often used by WhatsApp users to convey that someone is “thinking”. But the real meaning of this symbol is to convey respect to the other person.
3. Meaning of SOS Symbol
World over, SOS is the call for help. SOS stands for Save Our Soul. You may use it on WhatsApp chat when you’re desperately seeking help from your friend. Just send this icon and your meaning would be clearly conveyed.
Whatsapp Emoticons And Meanings In Hindi
4. Meaning of “Stressed Face with Sweat Droplet”
Many people mistake this droplet with a tear drop. But actually it is meant to be a sweat drop on the forehead of a stressed person. So, if you’re pain, fatigue, fear etc. you can send this WhatsApp symbol over chat. I hope you’re not sweating because you’ve send a WhatsApp message to a wrong person!
5. Meaning of “Star with a circle”
Different people use it differently. Some folks think it is an award, some think it is a shooting star and others use it as an aura of a blessed person. But you will be surprised to know that the reality is far from all these interpretations. In reality, this WhatsApp symbol is meant to show dizziness or a spinning head! (this is the reason why this icon has been placed in Expressions category). So, if you want to comically say something like that you’ve been hit by a huge workload, you can use this symbol.
6. Meaning of “Folded Hands”
Mostly WhatsApp users use this emoji to convey a prayer or pleading. In India, people use it to convey namaste, a gesture to convey respect. But in truth, as per Japanese traditions, this gesture conveys gratitude towards someone who does a favor to you. Japanese people especially use it to show their gratitude after having a meal at their host.
7. Meaning of WhatsApp Symbol: “Brunette in Pink Shirt with Hand Stretched Outward”
As per Mashable, this icon was originally meant for asking how could you be of help to the other person (like a receptionist asking “How may I help you?”). But users of WhatsApp have made their own interpretations. For example, some use it to convey smugness or “I am better than you” attitude. These people think that the brunette has flicked her hair backward with her hand and thus conveying a sort of superiority or carelessness.
8. Who is John Appleseed?
This a credit card icon —there is no confusion about it. But if you look at a bigger version of this icon, you’ll notice that the card has been signed by some John Appleseed. Naturally, many people will ask, who is this John Appleseed? Well, according to TechRadar, John Appleseed was a nickname used by former Apple CEO Mike Markkula. He used this alias to sign software programs which he created for Apple II. As a sign of respect for Markkula, Apple has been using John Appleseed as a demo name.
9. Meaning of WhatsApp Symbol: “Church with a Heart”
This icon most probably conveys a “wedding”. Other possible usages could be “I love going to Church”.
10. Meaning of WhatsApp Symbol: “Three bamboos on a rock”
This is called Kadomatsu in Japan. According to Wikipedia, it is a traditional Japanese decoration made of three bamboo shoots and pine leaves. These are used on the New Year to welcome ancestral spirits of the harvest. Usually Kadomatsus are placed in pairs in front of homes.
Meaning of WhatsApp Chinese Symbols
These are actually Japanese Kanji symbols (but most people may anyway think that the language inscribed is Chinese!).
Chinese and Japanese symbols in WhatsApp.
- It is a Japanese Katakana, meaning “here”
- Full or complete
- Good bargain (this circular sign is often used in shops)
- Possess (Chinese symbol)
- Have the honor to (meaning given by Avenger through comments section. Thanks!)
- Finger pointing
- Agreement
- Cut-price
- Not available
- According to cilisos the inscription inside the white flower says “tai hen yoku dekimashita”. It means “you did very well”; teachers often give this stamp to good performing students.
- Incomplete, half-empty, place is available
- Forbidden (in Chinese)
- Work. Often used to indicate work hours
- Japanese kanji symbol for moon
There are many other Japanese/Chinese emojis available in WhatsApp. Soon, I will add more of these along with their meanings.
Meaning of WhatsApp Smileys
Most of WhatsApp smileys have standard meanings. Sometime ago Buzzfeed published a graphic depicting the WhatsApp smiley meanings. I am using that same image instead of rewriting the entire story. Here you’ll find meaning of smiling, crying, laughing, excited, worried, angry smiley faces among others.
Well, I hope this compilation was useful for you. Please take part in this compilation and let me know the meanings of other weird WhatsApp symbols. Thank you for using TechWelkin!
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Do you remember the first time you started texting? It may be the first time you got your own phone, or maybe you “borrowed” your parents to text a friend about meeting up. Of course, texting is so common now that asking that question of a lot of people might be as meaningless as asking someone when they first spoke on the phone.
If you’re like me, you text much more often than you talk. Whenever one of my friends tells me, “don’t text me; messaging isn’t covered under my plan,” a part of me wants to ask if they use a coal-burning rotary phone. I know I shouldn’t think that, as everybody is working with different sets of needs and resources, but it’s just a testament to how common texting has become.
And we still call it “texting,” even though that’s not entirely accurate: “text” implies words, and now, we have so many more ways to communicate via texts than simply verbal communication: we can send jpegs, links, animated gifs (which I never thought would come back) and, of course, emoji. These days, there are thousands characters that you can use while texting. That’s why I’ve put together the ultimate guide to WhatsApp emoticons, including their meanings, and a master emoticons list with everything from emoji smiley faces to that cute puppy.
It’s not unusual that I won’t know the meaning of something so I will need to look it up. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. As you’ll see from this article (and certainly from it’s title), there are literally hundreds of emoji out there, each expressing different moods, variations of thoughts, and abstract ideas. That’s why I’ve created this list so that you can go back and reference it whenever you’re stumped or want to see what all the options are when texting your friends.
Whatsapp Emoticons And Meanings In English
“Soon I was incorporating 🙁 and 😉 and ;( too and after that the live emoticons, and now, without any intention of ever reducing the enormity of my human emotions to these shallow shortcuts, to this typographical juvenilia, I went around all day reducing them and reducing them, endowing emotions with, and requiring them to carry the subtle quivering burdens of my inner life.” – Joshua Ferris: To Rise Again at a Decent Hour
What are Emoticons?
You may be unclear what exactly emoticons are and what they are used for in common day conversations. Emoticons and emoji have become increasingly common among younger generations to convey emotions within their text with the use of characters or images. The first started coming to prominence in old computer-based instant messengers like AIM (AOL Instant Messenger—which is what you used when you wanted to talk to someone but your arms were too tired to lift your coal-burning rotary phone). Originally just used as punctuation for other thoughts, emoji eventually came to be the transmitted thoughts themselves. And early on, it came to be seen how handy they were for communicating tone or sarcasm (things normally lost in written communication). The usefulness of this is such that they’ve been greatly extended, offering far more nuanced options than the original happy face / sad face / angry face / etc.
Dictionary.com elicits the meaning of emoticon as the following. “Any of several combinations of symbols used in electronic mail and text messaging to indicate the state of mind of the writer, such as 🙂 to express happiness”
It is not uncommon to see a conversation filled with these emoticons and their use to represent a state of emotion or thought. The most common form of them are the smiley faces, which vary as you can note below all the way from elated to angry. Of course, though they are still called emoticons (or emoji), most of them don’t inherently have anything to do with emotion anymore: many of them are random objects, such as a camera, a rose, a foot (for when you want to end a conversation like the opening credits to Monty Python’s Flying Circus), or a piece of sushi.
How to Enable WhatsApp Emoticons
Originally emoticons were entirely the stuff of punctuation. You typed “:)” and your reader just knew to translate that to a happy face. Eventually, some email and messaging clients would auto-translate these to the little yellow faces we’ve come to recognize. Of course, as more and more images have found their way into our emoticon library, it’s gotten nearly impossible to remember all the typing shortcuts necessary to bring them up, which is why most phones have or have available for download a special keyboard consisting entirely of emoticons.
You may already have the emoji keyboard enabled on your iPhone but if you don’t, I’ll show you how to get the keyboard so you can use them when you’re chatting on WhatsApp. Keep in mind that WhatsApp does not have a stand alone emoji keyboard so you will have to either use what is built in or download a stand alone app.
If you’re on an iPhone, go to your keyboard by opening up a text. If you see a globe symbol at the bottom left then you already have the emoji keyboard enabled and you can start using it right away. If not, follow these steps.
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1. Head over to your iPhone’s settings app.
2. Then tap General then Keyboard.
3. Choose Keyboards then Add New Keyboard.
4. Scroll down to find the Emoji keyboard and choose it. This will enable the keyboard to be used whenever the normal keyboard pops up. Simply tap on the little globe at the bottom left to bring it up.
If you’re on an Android device then I suggest heading over to the Google Play store and searching for a free app that will install thousands of emoticons on your Android so you can use them in WhatsApp. This is better in my opinion than using the built in emoji keyboard.
WhatsApp Emoticons Meanings
Below I compiled a list of the shortcuts to emoji if you’re on WhatsApp. This option allows you to actually manually type in the smiley face, etc. without having to search for it in your emoji list.
Simply type in the text to the left on the table below to get the resulting emoticon on the right. You can also just copy and paste it from this post to your WhatsApp conversation.
Keep in mind that some of the options below work on different devices so you may find that some do not work on your iPhone or Android but the majority of them work from my testing. Leave a comment below with your favorite so we can see what is the most popular one out there.
Now to the list of emoji that you can manually enter into your keyboard to make your own on the fly. This is easy if there are a few you like a lot and memorize and you can type them in quicker than searching for them.
(*_*) (*_*; (+_+) (@_@) (@_@。 (@_@;) \(◎o◎)/! | Amazed |
O:-) 0:-3 0:3 0:-) 0:) 0;^) | Angel |
:- :@ >:( | Angry |
:@ :-@ :=@ x( x-( x=( X( X- (X=( | Angry |
(‘;’) | Baby |
~゜・_・゜~ | Bat |
:-###. :###. | Being sick |
(*^3^)/~☆ | Blowing a kiss |
●~* | Bomb |
.。o○ ○o。. | Bubbles |
(^) (cake) | Cake |
(=^・^=) (=^・・^=) =^_^= | Cat |
😛 :=P 😛 :p :=p :-p | Cheeky |
o/ | Cheer |
*0/* | Cheerleader |
((+_+)) (+o+) (゜゜) (゜-゜) (゜.゜) (゜_゜) (゜_゜>) (゜レ゜) | Confused |
(・・? (?_?) | Confusion |
;-) -O | Cool |
8=) 😎 B=) B-) (cool) | Cool |
;( ;-( ;=( | Crying |
:’-( :'( | Crying |
}:-) }:) 3:-) 3:) | Devilish |
(* ̄m ̄) | Dissatisfied |
%-) %) | Drunk, |
( -( =( | Dull |
<:- | Dumb, dunce-like |
:$ | Embarrassed |
>:) >;) >:-) | Evil |
]:) >:) (grin) | Evil grin |
\(~o~)/ \(^o^)/ \(-o-)/ ヽ(^。^)ノ ヽ(^o^)丿 (*^0^*) | Excited |
(^0_0^) | Eyeglasses |
<*)))-{ ><(((*> ><> | Fis |
>:[ 🙁 🙁 :-c :c :-< :っC :< :-[ :[ :{ | Frown |
( ̄ー ̄) | Grinning |
(●^o^●) (^v^) (^u^) (^◇^) ( ^)o(^ ) (^O^) (^o^) (^○^) )^o^( (*^▽^*) (✿◠‿◠) | Happy |
((d[-_-]b)) | Headphones |
<3 | Heart and broken-heart (reverse-rotation) |
o/o ^5 >_>^ ^<_< | High five |
D:< D: D8 D; D= DX v.v D-‘: | Horror, disgust, sadness, great dismay |
(*´▽`*) (*°∀°)=3 | Infatuation |
^_^ (゜o゜) (^_^)/ (^O^)/ (^o^)/ (^^)/ (≧∇≦)/ (/◕ヮ◕)/ (^o^)丿 ∩( ・ω・)∩ ( ・ω・) ^ω^ | Joyful |
:* :=* :-* | Kiss |
:* :^* ( ‘}{‘ ) | Kiss, couple kissing |
😀 :=D 😀 :d :=d :-d | Laugh |
😀 8-D 8D x-D xD X-D XD =-D =D =-3 =3 B^D | Laughing |
(*^^)v (^^)v (^_^)v (^▽^) (・∀・) ( ´∀`) (⌒▽⌒) (^v^) (’-’*) | Laughing, cheerful |
😡 :-x: X :-X :# :-# :=x :=X :=# | Lips Sealed |
(.) (._.) | Looking down |
ヽ(´ー`)┌ ¯_(ツ)_/¯ | Mellow, shrug |
8- B- 8 B 8= B= (nerd) | Nerd |
(^^ゞ (^_^;) (-_-;) (~_~;) (・。・;) (・_・;) (・・;) ^^; ^_^; (#^.^#) (^ ^;) | Nervous, embarrassed |
(*^。^*) ^_^ (#^.^#) (^-^) | Normal laugh |
C:。ミ | Octopus |
#-) | Partied all night |
@}-;-‘— @>–>– | Rose |
🙁 :=( 🙁 | Sad |
(‘_’) (/_;) (T_T) (;_;) (;_; (;_:) (;O;) (:_;) (ToT) (T▽T) ;_; ;-; ;n; ;; Q.Q T.T QQ Q_Q | Sad, crying |
*< :-) | Santa Claus |
:-X :X :-# :# | Sealed lips or wearing braces |
(ー_ー)!! (-.-) (-_-) ( 一一) (;一_一) | Shame |
( ゚ Д゚) (゜◇゜) | Shocked, surprised |
☆彡 ☆ミ | Shooting star |
>: >:/ :-/ :-. :/ : =/ = :L =L :S >.< | Skeptical, annoyed, undecided, uneasy |
(-_-)zzz | Sleeping |
-) I-) I=) (snooze) | Sleepy |
🙂 :=) 🙂 | Smile |
🙂 🙂 😀 :o) :] :3 :c) :> =] 8) =) :} :^) :っ) | Smiley or happy face |
(^。^)y-.。o○ (-。-)y-゜゜゜ | Smoking |
~>゜)~~~ | Snake |
(´・ω・`) (‘A`) | Snubbed or deflated |
😐 := 😐 | Speechless |
(*) | Star |
😐 😐 | Straight face |
….φ(・∀・*) | Studying is good |
>:O :-O :O 😮 😮 8-0 O_O o-o O_o o_O o_o O-O | Surprise |
😮 :=o 😮 :O :=O :-O | Surprised |
( ̄□ ̄;)°o° °O° :O o_O o_0 o.O (o.o) | Surprised |
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ┬──┬ ¯_(ツ) ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ | Table flip |
(゜゜)~ | Tadpole |
:’-) :’) | Tears of happiness |
(=_=) | Tired |
>:P 😛 😛 X-P x-p xp XP :-p :p =p :-Þ :Þ :þ :-þ :-b :b d: | Tongue sticking out, cheeky/playful |
:-J | Tongue-in-cheek |
:-& :& | Tongue-tied |
(>_<) (>_<)> | Troubled |
:-)) | Very happy or double chin |
(^^)/~~~ (^_^)/~ (;_;)/~~~ (^.^)/~~~ ($・・)/~~~ (@^^)/~~~ (T_T)/~~~ (ToT)/~~~ | Waving |
😉 😉 ;=) | Wink |
(^_-) (^_-)-☆ | Wink |
😉 😉 *-) *) ;-] ;] ;D ;^) :-, | Wink face |
;( | Winky frowny |
:^) | Wondering |
:S :-S :=S :s :-s :=s | Worried |
(-“-) (ーー゛) (^_^メ) (-_-メ) (`´) (~_~メ) (--〆) (・へ・) <`~´> <`ヘ´> (ーー;) | Worried |
WhatsApp Emoticons List
Now let’s get into the master list you’ve been waiting for. Here, we outline 843 of the best WhatsApp Emoticons out there. You will find everything from the entire range of faces from smiley to angry, animals, buildings, signs, places, flags, etc.
We hope that everything you’ve wanted is in the list below. Simply copy and paste any one of these to be able to use them in your own conversation and you can reference what they mean below so you can make sure you’re not conveying the wrong emotion.
Now for the meaning behind the ultimate list of emoji. See below corresponding to the number next to the emoji.
1 | Smiling Face With Open Mouth And Smiling Eyes | 422 | Mahjong Tile Red Dragon |
2 | Smiling Face With Open Mouth | 423 | Game Die |
3 | Grinning Face | 424 | Direct Hit |
4 | Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes | 425 | American Football |
5 | White Smiling Face | 426 | Basketball And Hoop |
6 | Winking Face | 427 | Soccer Ball |
7 | Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes | 428 | Baseball |
8 | Face Throwing A Kiss | 429 | Tennis Racquet And Ball |
9 | Kissing Face With Closed Eyes | 430 | Billiards |
10 | Kissing Face | 431 | Rugby Football |
11 | Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes | 432 | Bowling |
12 | Face With Stuck-Out Tongue And Winking Eye | 433 | Flag In Hole |
13 | Face With Stuck-Out Tongue And Tightly-Closed Eyes | 434 | Mountain Bicyclist |
14 | Face With Stuck-Out Tongue | 435 | Bicyclist |
15 | Flushed Face | 436 | Chequered Flag |
16 | Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes | 437 | Horse Racing |
17 | Pensive Face | 438 | Trophy |
18 | Relieved Face | 439 | Ski And Ski Boot |
19 | Unamused Face | 440 | Snowboarder |
20 | Disappointed Face | 441 | Swimmer |
21 | Persevering Face | 442 | Surfer |
22 | Crying Face | 443 | Fishing Pole And Fish |
23 | Face With Tears Of Joy | 444 | Hot Beverage |
24 | Loudly Crying Face | 445 | Teacup Without Handle |
25 | Sleepy Face | 446 | Sake Bottle And Cup |
26 | Disappointed But Relieved Face | 447 | Baby Bottle |
27 | Face With Open Mouth And Cold Sweat | 448 | Beer Mug |
28 | Smiling Face With Open Mouth And Cold Sweat | 449 | Clinking Beer Mugs |
29 | Face With Cold Sweat | 450 | Cocktail Glass |
30 | Weary Face | 451 | Tropical Drink |
31 | Tired Face | 452 | Wine Glass |
32 | Fearful Face | 453 | Fork And Knife |
33 | Face Screaming In Fear | 454 | Slice Of Pizza |
34 | Angry Face | 455 | Hamburger |
35 | Pouting Face | 456 | French Fries |
36 | Face With Look Of Triumph | 457 | Poultry Leg |
37 | Confounded Face | 458 | Meat On Bone |
38 | Smiling Face With Open Mouth And Tightly-Closed Eyes | 459 | Spaghetti |
39 | Face Savouring Delicious Food | 460 | Curry And Rice |
40 | Face With Medical Mask | 461 | Fried Shrimp |
41 | Smiling Face With Sunglasses | 462 | Bento Box |
42 | Sleeping Face | 463 | Sushi |
43 | Dizzy Face | 464 | Fish Cake With Swirl Design |
44 | Astonished Face | 465 | Rice Ball |
45 | Worried Face | 466 | Rice Cracker |
46 | Frowning Face With Open Mouth | 467 | Cooked Rice |
47 | Anguished Face | 468 | Steaming Bowl |
48 | Smiling Face With Horns | 469 | Pot Of Food |
49 | Imp | 470 | Oden |
50 | Face With Open Mouth | 471 | Dango |
51 | Grimacing Face | 472 | Cooking |
52 | Neutral Face | 473 | Bread |
53 | Confused Face | 474 | Doughnut |
54 | Hushed Face | 475 | Custard |
55 | Face Without Mouth | 476 | Soft Ice Cream |
56 | Smiling Face With Halo | 477 | Ice Cream |
57 | Smirking Face | 478 | Shaved Ice |
58 | Expressionless Face | 479 | Birthday Cake |
59 | Man With Gua Pi Mao | 480 | Shortcake |
60 | Man With Turban | 481 | Cookie |
61 | Police Officer | 482 | Chocolate Bar |
62 | Construction Worker | 483 | Candy |
63 | Guardsman | 484 | Lollipop |
64 | Baby | 485 | Honey Pot |
65 | Boy | 486 | Red Apple |
66 | Girl | 487 | Green Apple |
67 | Man | 488 | Tangerine |
68 | Woman | 489 | Lemon |
69 | Older Man | 490 | Cherries |
70 | Older Woman | 491 | Grapes |
71 | Person With Blond Hair | 492 | Watermelon |
72 | Baby Angel | 493 | Strawberry |
73 | Princess | 494 | Peach |
74 | Smiling Cat Face With Open Mouth | 495 | Melon |
75 | Grinning Cat Face With Smiling Eyes | 496 | Banana |
76 | Smiling Cat Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes | 497 | Pear |
77 | Kissing Cat Face With Closed Eyes | 498 | Pineapple |
78 | Cat Face With Wry Smile | 499 | Roasted Sweet Potato |
79 | Weary Cat Face | 500 | Aubergine |
80 | Crying Cat Face | 501 | Tomato |
81 | Cat Face With Tears Of Joy | 502 | Ear Of Maize |
82 | Pouting Cat Face | 503 | Globe With Meridians |
83 | Japanese Ogre | 504 | Sun With Face |
84 | Japanese Goblin | 505 | Full Moon With Face |
85 | See-No-Evil Monkey | 506 | New Moon With Face |
86 | Hear-No-Evil Monkey | 507 | New Moon Symbol |
87 | Speak-No-Evil Monkey | 508 | Waxing Crescent Moon Symbol |
88 | Skull | 509 | First Quarter Moon Symbol |
89 | Extraterrestrial Alien | 510 | Waxing Gibbous Moon Symbol |
90 | Pile Of Poo | 511 | Full Moon Symbol |
91 | Fire | 512 | Waning Gibbous Moon Symbol |
92 | Sparkles | 513 | Last Quarter Moon Symbol |
93 | Glowing Star | 514 | Waning Crescent Moon Symbol |
94 | Dizzy Symbol | 515 | Last Quarter Moon With Face |
95 | Collision Symbol | 516 | First Quarter Moon With Face |
96 | Anger Symbol | 517 | Crescent Moon |
97 | Splashing Sweat Symbol | 518 | Earth Globe Europe-Africa |
98 | Droplet | 519 | Earth Globe Americas |
99 | Sleeping Symbol | 520 | Earth Globe Asia-Australia |
100 | Dash Symbol | 521 | Volcano |
101 | Ear | 522 | Milky Way |
102 | Eyes | 523 | Shooting Star |
103 | Nose | 524 | White Medium Star |
104 | Tongue | 525 | Black Sun With Rays |
105 | Mouth | 526 | Sun Behind Cloud |
106 | Thumbs Up Sign | 527 | Cloud |
107 | Thumbs Down Sign | 528 | High Voltage Sign |
108 | Ok Hand Sign | 529 | Umbrella With Rain Drops |
109 | Fisted Hand Sign | 530 | Snowflake |
110 | Raised Fist | 531 | Snowman Without Snow |
111 | Victory Hand | 532 | Cyclone |
112 | Waving Hand Sign | 533 | Foggy |
113 | Raised Hand | 534 | Rainbow |
114 | Open Hands Sign | 535 | Water Wave |
115 | White Up Pointing Backhand Index | 536 | House Building |
116 | White Down Pointing Backhand Index | 537 | House With Garden |
117 | White Right Pointing Backhand Index | 538 | School |
118 | White Left Pointing Backhand Index | 539 | Office Building |
119 | Person Raising Both Hands In Celebration | 540 | Japanese Post Office |
120 | Person With Folded Hands | 541 | Hospital |
121 | White Up Pointing Index | 542 | Bank |
122 | Clapping Hands Sign | 543 | Convenience Store |
123 | Flexed Biceps | 544 | Love Hotel |
124 | Pedestrian | 545 | Hotel |
125 | Runner | 546 | Wedding |
126 | Dancer | 547 | Church |
127 | Man And Woman Holding Hands | 548 | Department Store |
128 | Family | 549 | European Post Office |
129 | Two Men Holding Hands | 550 | Sunset Over Buildings |
130 | Two Women Holding Hands | 551 | Cityscape At Dusk |
131 | Kiss | 552 | Japanese Castle |
132 | Couple With Heart | 553 | European Castle |
133 | Woman With Bunny Ears | 554 | Tent |
134 | Face With Ok Gesture | 555 | Factory |
135 | Face With No Good Gesture | 556 | Tokyo Tower |
136 | Information Desk Person | 557 | Silhouette Of Japan |
137 | Happy Person Raising One Hand | 558 | Mount Fuji |
138 | Face Massage | 559 | Sunrise Over Mountains |
139 | Haircut | 560 | Sunrise |
140 | Nail Polish | 561 | Night With Stars |
141 | Bride With Veil | 562 | Statue Of Liberty |
142 | Person With Pouting Face | 563 | Bridge At Night |
143 | Person Frowning | 564 | Carousel Horse |
144 | Person Bowing Deeply | 565 | Ferris Wheel |
145 | Top Hat | 566 | Fountain |
146 | Crown | 567 | Roller Coaster |
147 | Womans Hat | 568 | Ship |
148 | Athletic Shoe | 569 | Sailboat |
149 | Mans Shoe | 570 | Speedboat |
150 | Womans Sandal | 571 | Rowboat |
151 | High-Heeled Shoe | 572 | Anchor |
152 | Womans Boots | 573 | Rocket |
153 | T-Shirt | 574 | Airplane |
154 | Necktie | 575 | Seat |
155 | Womans Clothes | 576 | Helicopter |
156 | Dress | 577 | Steam Locomotive |
157 | Running Shirt With Sash | 578 | Tram |
158 | Jeans | 579 | Station |
159 | Kimono | 580 | Mountain Railway |
160 | Bikini | 581 | Train |
161 | Briefcase | 582 | High-Speed Train |
162 | Handbag | 583 | High-Speed Train With Bullet Nose |
163 | Pouch | 584 | Light Rail |
164 | Purse | 585 | Metro |
165 | Eyeglasses | 586 | Monorail |
166 | Ribbon | 587 | Tram Car |
167 | Closed Umbrella | 588 | Railway Car |
168 | Lipstick | 589 | Trolleybus |
169 | Yellow Heart | 590 | Bus |
170 | Blue Heart | 591 | Oncoming Bus |
171 | Purple Heart | 592 | Recreational Vehicle |
172 | Green Heart | 593 | Oncoming Automobile |
173 | Heavy Black Heart | 594 | Automobile |
174 | Broken Heart | 595 | Taxi |
175 | Growing Heart | 596 | Oncoming Taxi |
176 | Beating Heart | 597 | Articulated Lorry |
177 | Two Hearts | 598 | Delivery Truck |
178 | Sparkling Heart | 599 | Police Cars Revolving Light |
179 | Revolving Hearts | 600 | Police Car |
180 | Heart With Arrow | 601 | Oncoming Police Car |
181 | Love Letter | 602 | Fire Engine |
182 | Kiss Mark | 603 | Ambulance |
183 | Ring | 604 | Minibus |
184 | Gem Stone | 605 | Bicycle |
185 | Bust In Silhouette | 606 | Aerial Tramway |
186 | Busts In Silhouette | 607 | Suspension Railway |
187 | Speech Balloon | 608 | Mountain Cableway |
188 | Footprints | 609 | Tractor |
189 | Thought Balloon | 610 | Barber Pole |
190 | Dog Face | 611 | Bus Stop |
191 | Wolf Face | 612 | Ticket |
192 | Cat Face | 613 | Vertical Traffic Light |
193 | Mouse Face | 614 | Horizontal Traffic Light |
194 | Hamster Face | 615 | Warning Sign |
195 | Rabbit Face | 616 | Construction Sign |
196 | Frog Face | 617 | Japanese Symbol For Beginner |
197 | Tiger Face | 618 | Fuel Pump |
198 | Koala | 619 | Izakaya Lantern |
199 | Bear Face | 620 | Slot Machine |
200 | Pig Face | 621 | Hot Springs |
201 | Pig Nose | 622 | Moyai |
202 | Cow Face | 623 | Circus Tent |
203 | Boar | 624 | Performing Arts |
204 | Monkey Face | 625 | Round Pushpin |
205 | Monkey | 626 | Triangular Flag On Post |
206 | Horse Face | 627 | Flag For Japan |
207 | Sheep | 628 | Flag For South Korea |
208 | Elephant | 629 | Flag For Germany |
209 | Panda Face | 630 | Flag For China |
210 | Penguin | 631 | Flag For USA |
211 | Bird | 632 | Flag For France |
212 | Baby Chick | 633 | Flag For Spain |
213 | Front-Facing Baby Chick | 634 | Flag For Italy |
214 | Hatching Chick | 635 | Flag For Russia |
215 | Chicken | 636 | Flag For Great Britain |
216 | Snake | 637 | Keycap 1 |
217 | Turtle | 638 | Keycap 2 |
218 | Bug | 639 | Keycap 3 |
219 | Honeybee | 640 | Keycap 4 |
220 | Ant | 641 | Keycap 5 |
221 | Lady Beetle | 642 | Keycap 6 |
222 | Snail | 643 | Keycap 7 |
223 | Octopus | 644 | Keycap 8 |
224 | Spiral Shell | 645 | Keycap 9 |
225 | Tropical Fish | 646 | Keycap 0 |
226 | Fish | 647 | Keycap Ten |
227 | Dolphin | 648 | Input Symbol For Numbers |
228 | Spouting Whale | 649 | Hash Key |
229 | Whale | 650 | Input Symbol For Symbols |
230 | Cow | 651 | Upwards Black Arrow |
231 | Ram | 652 | Downwards Black Arrow |
232 | Rat | 653 | Leftwards Black Arrow |
233 | Water Buffalo | 654 | Black Rightwards Arrow |
234 | Tiger | 655 | Input Symbol For Latin Capital Letters |
235 | Rabbit | 656 | Input Symbol For Latin Small Letters |
236 | Dragon | 657 | Input Symbol For Latin Letters |
237 | Horse | 658 | North East Arrow |
238 | Goat | 659 | North West Arrow |
239 | Rooster | 660 | South East Arrow |
240 | Dog | 661 | South West Arrow |
241 | Pig | 662 | Left Right Arrow |
242 | Mouse | 663 | Up Down Arrow |
243 | Ox | 664 | Anticlockwise |
244 | Dragon Face | 665 | Black Left-Pointing Triangle |
245 | Blowfish | 666 | Black Right-Pointing Triangle |
246 | Crocodile | 667 | Up-Pointing Small Red Triangle |
247 | Bactrian Camel | 668 | Down-Pointing Small Red Triangle |
248 | Dromedary Camel | 669 | Leftwards Arrow With Hook |
249 | Leopard | 670 | Rightwards Arrow With Hook |
250 | Cat | 671 | Information Source |
251 | Poodle | 672 | Black Left-Pointing Double Triangle |
252 | Paw Prints | 673 | Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle |
253 | Bouquet | 674 | Black Up-Pointing Double Triangle |
254 | Cherry Blossom | 675 | Black Down-Pointing Double Triangle |
255 | Tulip | 676 | Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Downwards |
256 | Four Leaf Clover | 677 | Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Upwards |
257 | Rose | 678 | Squared OK |
258 | Sunflower | 679 | Twisted Rightwards Arrows |
259 | Hibiscus | 680 | Clockwise |
260 | Maple Leaf | 681 | Clockwise |
261 | Leaf Fluttering In Wind | 682 | Squared New |
262 | Fallen Leaf | 683 | Squared Up With Exclamation Mark |
263 | Herb | 684 | Squared Cool |
264 | Ear Of Rice | 685 | Squared Free |
265 | Mushroom | 686 | Squared NG |
266 | Cactus | 687 | Antenna With Bars |
267 | Palm Tree | 688 | Cinema |
268 | Evergreen Tree | 689 | Squared Katakana Koko |
269 | Deciduous Tree | 690 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6307 |
270 | Chestnut | 691 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7A7A |
271 | Seedling | 692 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6E80 |
272 | Blossom | 693 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-5408 |
273 | Pine Decoration | 694 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7981 |
274 | Heart With Ribbon | 695 | Circled Ideograph Advantage |
275 | Japanese Dolls | 696 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-5272 |
276 | School Satchel | 697 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-55B6 |
277 | Graduation Cap | 698 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6709 |
278 | Carp Streamer | 699 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7121 |
279 | Fireworks | 700 | Restroom |
280 | Firework Sparkler | 701 | Mens Symbol |
281 | Wind Chime | 702 | Womens Symbol |
282 | Moon Viewing Ceremony | 703 | Baby Symbol |
283 | Jack-O-Lantern | 704 | Water Closet |
284 | Ghost | 705 | Potable Water Symbol |
285 | Father Christmas | 706 | Put Litter In Its Place Symbol |
286 | Christmas Tree | 707 | Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter P |
287 | Wrapped Present | 708 | Wheelchair Symbol |
288 | Tanabata Tree | 709 | No Smoking Symbol |
289 | Party Popper | 710 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6708 |
290 | Confetti Ball | 711 | Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7533 |
291 | Balloon | 712 | Squared Katakana Sa |
292 | Crossed Flags | 713 | Circled Latin Capital Letter M |
293 | Crystal Ball | 714 | Passport Control |
294 | Movie Camera | 715 | Baggage Claim |
295 | Camera | 716 | Left Luggage |
296 | Video Camera | 717 | Customs |
297 | Videocassette | 718 | Circled Ideograph Accept |
298 | Optical Disc | 719 | Circled Ideograph Secret |
299 | DVD | 720 | Circled Ideograph Congratulation |
300 | Minidisc | 721 | Squared CL |
301 | Floppy Disk | 722 | Squared SOS |
302 | Personal Computer | 723 | Squared ID |
303 | Mobile Phone | 724 | No Entry Sign |
304 | Black Telephone | 725 | No One Under Eighteen Symbol |
305 | Telephone Receiver | 726 | No Mobile Phones |
306 | Pager | 727 | Do Not Litter Symbol |
307 | Fax Machine | 728 | Non-Potable Water Symbol |
308 | Satellite Antenna | 729 | No Bicycles |
309 | Television | 730 | No Pedestrians |
310 | Radio | 731 | Children Crossing |
311 | Speaker With Three Sound Waves | 732 | No Entry |
312 | Speaker With One Sound Wave | 733 | Eight Spoked Asterisk |
313 | Speaker | 734 | Sparkle |
314 | Speaker With Cancellation Stroke | 735 | Negative Squared Cross Mark |
315 | Bell | 736 | White Heavy Check Mark |
316 | Bell With Cancellation Stroke | 737 | Eight Pointed Black Star |
317 | Public Address Loudspeaker | 738 | Heart Decoration |
318 | Cheering Megaphone | 739 | Squared VS |
319 | Hourglass With Flowing Sand | 740 | Vibration Mode |
320 | Hourglass | 741 | Mobile Phone Off |
321 | Alarm Clock | 742 | Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter A |
322 | Watch | 743 | Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter B |
323 | Open Lock | 744 | Negative Squared AB |
324 | Lock | 745 | Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter O |
325 | Lock With Ink Pen | 746 | Diamond Shape With A Dot Inside |
326 | Closed Lock With Key | 747 | Double Curly Loop |
327 | Key | 748 | Black Universal Recycling Symbol |
328 | Right-Pointing Magnifying Glass | 749 | Aries |
329 | Electric Light Bulb | 750 | Taurus |
330 | Electric Torch | 751 | Gemini |
331 | High Brightness Symbol | 752 | Cancer |
332 | Low Brightness Symbol | 753 | Leo |
333 | Electric Plug | 754 | Virgo |
334 | Battery | 755 | Libra |
335 | Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass | 756 | Scorpius |
336 | Bathtub | 757 | Sagittarius |
337 | Bath | 758 | Capricorn |
338 | Shower | 759 | Aquarius |
339 | Toilet | 760 | Pisces |
340 | Wrench | 761 | Ophiuchus |
341 | Nut And Bolt | 762 | Six Pointed Star With Middle Dot |
342 | Hammer | 763 | Automated Teller Machine |
343 | Door | 764 | Chart With Upwards Trend And Yen Sign |
344 | Smoking Symbol | 765 | Heavy Dollar Sign |
345 | Bomb | 766 | Currency Exchange |
346 | Pistol | 767 | © Copyright Sign |
347 | Hocho | 768 | ® Registered Sign |
348 | Pill | 769 | ™ Trade Mark Sign |
349 | Syringe | 770 | Cross Mark |
350 | Money Bag | 771 | Double Exclamation Mark |
351 | Banknote With Yen Sign | 772 | Exclamation Question Mark |
352 | Banknote With Dollar Sign | 773 | Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol |
353 | Banknote With Pound Sign | 774 | Black Question Mark Ornament |
354 | Banknote With Euro Sign | 775 | White Exclamation Mark Ornament |
355 | Credit Card | 776 | White Question Mark Ornament |
356 | Money With Wings | 777 | Heavy Large Circle |
357 | Mobile Phone | 778 | Top With Upwards Arrow Above |
358 | E-Mail Symbol | 779 | End With Leftwards Arrow Above |
359 | Inbox Tray | 780 | Back With Leftwards Arrow Above |
360 | Outbox Tray | 781 | On With Exclamation Mark With Left Right Arrow Above |
361 | Envelope | 782 | Soon With Rightwards Arrow Above |
362 | Envelope With Downwards Arrow Above | 783 | Clockwise Downwards And Upwards Open Circle Arrows |
363 | Incoming Envelope | 784 | Clock Face Twelve O’Clock |
364 | Postal Horn | 785 | Clock Face Twelve-Thirty |
365 | Closed Mailbox With Raised Flag | 786 | Clock Face One O’Clock |
366 | Closed Mailbox With Lowered Flag | 787 | Clock Face One-Thirty |
367 | Open Mailbox With Raised Flag | 788 | Clock Face Two O’Clock |
368 | Open Mailbox With Lowered Flag | 789 | Clock Face Two-Thirty |
369 | Postbox | 790 | Clock Face Three O’Clock |
370 | Package | 791 | Clock Face Three-Thirty |
371 | Memo | 792 | Clock Face Four O’Clock |
372 | Page Facing Up | 793 | Clock Face Four-Thirty |
373 | Page With Curl | 794 | Clock Face Five O’Clock |
374 | Bookmark Tabs | 795 | Clock Face Five-Thirty |
375 | Bar Chart | 796 | Clock Face Six O’Clock |
376 | Chart With Upwards Trend | 797 | Clock Face Six-Thirty |
377 | Chart With Downwards Trend | 798 | Clock Face Seven O’Clock |
378 | Scroll | 799 | Clock Face Seven-Thirty |
379 | Clipboard | 800 | Clock Face Eight O’Clock |
380 | Calendar | 801 | Clock Face Eight-Thirty |
381 | Tear-Off Calendar | 802 | Clock Face Nine O’Clock |
382 | Card Index | 803 | Clock Face Nine-Thirty |
383 | File Folder | 804 | Clock Face Ten O’Clock |
384 | Open File Folder | 805 | Clock Face Ten-Thirty |
385 | Black Scissors | 806 | Clock Face Eleven O’Clock |
386 | Pushpin | 807 | Clock Face Eleven-Thirty |
387 | Paperclip | 808 | Heavy Multiplication X |
388 | Black Nib | 809 | Heavy Plus Sign |
389 | Pencil | 810 | Heavy Minus Sign |
390 | Straight Ruler | 811 | Heavy Division Sign |
391 | Triangular Ruler | 812 | Black Spade Suit |
392 | Closed Book | 813 | Black Heart Suit |
393 | Green Book | 814 | Black Club Suit |
394 | Blue Book | 815 | Black Diamond Suit |
395 | Orange Book | 816 | White Flower |
396 | Notebook | 817 | Hundred Points Symbol |
397 | Notebook With Decorative Cover | 818 | Heavy Check Mark |
398 | Ledger | 819 | Ballot Box With Check |
399 | Books | 820 | Radio Button |
400 | Open Book | 821 | Link Symbol |
401 | Bookmark | 822 | Curly Loop |
402 | Name Badge | 823 | Wavy Dash |
403 | Microscope | 824 | Part Alternation Mark |
404 | Telescope | 825 | Trident Emblem |
405 | Newspaper | 826 | Black Medium Square |
406 | Artist Palette | 827 | White Medium Square |
407 | Clapper Board | 828 | Black Medium Small Square |
408 | Microphone | 829 | White Medium Small Square |
409 | Headphone | 830 | Black Small Square |
410 | Musical Score | 831 | White Small Square |
411 | Musical Note | 832 | Up-Pointing Red Triangle |
412 | Multiple Musical Notes | 833 | Black Square Button |
413 | Musical Keyboard | 834 | White Square Button |
414 | Violin | 835 | Medium Black Circle |
415 | Trumpet | 836 | Medium White Circle |
416 | Saxophone | 837 | Large Red Circle |
417 | Guitar | 838 | Large Blue Circle |
418 | Alien Monster | 839 | Down-Pointing Red Triangle |
419 | Video Game | 840 | White Large Square |
420 | Playing Card Black Joker | 841 | Black Large Square |
421 | Flower Playing Cards | 842 | Large Orange Diamond |
843 | Large Blue Diamond |
That wraps up this guide to WhatsApp emoticons and hopefully gives you a sense of the sheer number of options out there when it comes to expressing your emotions.
Leave a comment about your favorite emoji and we will see if it’s a common favorite among readers.